
picture post

Kalix and Koa
I took this this morning after I got home from work. They're brothers so they do nearly everything together. We only have 2 rooms in our apartment (not including the bathroom), and when Koa's in the living room/dining room/kitchen and Kalix is in the bedroom, Koa can only stand a few minutes in there before he meows for Kalix. (small note: their copper tags are from jmanigrossi@etsy. at $12 a piece, they're a little pricey, but so worth it, they make them for both dogs and cats.)

Rockin' It Knitwear Bella's Mittens #2
I started this mitten the night before last, I had finished maybe an inch by bedtime, then knit all the rest of it yesterday. Only 7 more mittens to go.....

Josh on the night he officially asked me out.
This is my sweetheart on the night he officially asked me out. It was adorable. We had sort of a unique situation in that we were roommates before we got together, as well as after. So for our entire relationship, we've lived together. Well, that means he had never had the experience of showing up and knocking on my door and taking me out. So exactly 1 month after our first kiss, he asked me to get dressed up and he took me out for an amazing dinner and asked me if we could be exclusive (I'm paraphrasing). It shocked the hell out of me, it was so cute. Obviously, I said yes, and this is why we basically have 2 anniversaries.

A random picture I took of us while we were still at the old place.

My favorite picture of Jordan
my favorite picture of my nephew, Jordan. I took this last year when him and my Mom came down from Ohio to visit us. I didn't even pose him like that, he just did it. The little boy absolutely has my heart. My sister has 2 little girls younger than him, but I still lived at home when Jordan was born, up until he was 2, and my sister (she's younger than me) lived at home, so I'm super bonded with Jordan. And luckily, he just adores Josh.

1 responses:

Alexis said...

Thanks for the comment on my chicken! Your bella mitts are fabulous. I can see why there's a waiting list.

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