

here's some bullshit to wake up your brain. trust me, when I saw it, it seriously made me go "what. the. FUCK?!" (sorry for the language, I think it's all that angsty-Edward in Wide Awake, which I've now made it to the last chapter she updated and now I have nothing to knit to... laaaaaaaaaaaaame lol.)

What the hell?

What the hell?

What the hell?

What the hell?

What the hell?

...any idea what you're looking at? no? it's glue. during the time I was posting yesterday (between 11a and 1p), someone tried to GLUE US INTO OUR APARTMENT. wtf? I would nearly think they did it in the middle of the night, but it was still tacky and wet when I found it, and after an hour and a half of waiting for the cops to show up (which they never did), it was completely solid. not only did they attempt to glue the door closed, they gouged the door latch with what looks to be a screwdriver, we think in order to get glue actually inside of there. what the hell is wrong with people? we are nothing but nice to people here, we're quiet, we're almost always in bed by 10p. we think that it was some jackass friend of someone who lives here. either they wanted to play a prank on who they THOUGHT lived here, or.... well, the night before (and this has happened before) someone was bangin on our door. Josh went to answer it, heard them talking, and didn't answer the door. the last time this happened, he answered the door and dude just started walking in, and Josh was like "uh, can I help you?" and he was like "oh, wrong apartment". ?! The apartments all have letters, are you illiterate?

I'm so sick of living downtown. do not ever live in downtown Wilmington. if you work weekends, you're fucked because it's an all-night party all weekend. and everyone feels the need to scream conversations in the streets. this I can deal with (I've invested in ear plugs). but gun shots at 4am? come on now. and the fucking GOBS of people still hanging out in the street at 3:30 in the morning. the cops don't even really bother. seriously, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! the bars stop serving alcohol (if not closing altogether) at 2am. it's WINTER, morons.

I can't help but be really, really pissed. We're going to the landlord's office tomorrow sometime and letting him know. It's ridiculous. we have a security-locked door, why exactly? it obviously isn't preventing anything. We also hung up flyers in the building telling people we were basically fucked for no reason whatsoever.

bullshit. stupid-ass bullshit.

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