Shadow is still doing better. I gave him a little pepto bismol last night because he was having poo problems. He had an accident in his crate when me and Josh left to run some errands. We think he's just been stressed from all the changes. I tried to give him some more pepto today mixed with both wet and dry food and he didn't want it. The I decided that hey, we are training him, not the other way around. so I dumped all the food out, washed the bowl, and put only dry food in it. and once he got hungry enough, he ate it. plain and simple. so I'm feeling better. He went #2 only once today, so no emergencies, and it wasn't as bad as yesterday. I think he's feeling much better. I called off work today because, yep, I was sick. some kind of head cold. I bought theraflu cold stuff yesterday and it knocked it out. I'm still the tiniest bit stuffy, but I'm sure I'll be all better tomorrow. I'm actually glad I was sick because I was starting to freak out that it was allergies and I'd have to go to an allergist just to be able to live with a dog lol.
I got up around 9:30 feeling better. Shadow and I went for walks 3 times between 10-4, because I was afraid that every little whimper was a serious bowel emergency, but he's fine. I'm worried about tomorrow because he'll be in the crate for 3-3 1/2 hours while Josh and I are both at work. Wish us all luck!
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